March 2023 Chapter Meeting
Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited - March Newsletter
March Chapter Meeting –
Date: Monday, March 6th
Time: 6 PM to 8 PM (with FREE Pizza arriving at 6:30)
Location: Auburn Sportsman’s Club
50 Elm St, Auburn, MA 01501
Hello CMTU,
I always look at the end of February as the end of the cold part of the winter. I am sitting here with just a couple days left and see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think the Quinie may be at the end of the tunnel, but not seeing any bug action - all in good time.
The March meeting will again focus on fly tying. This could change for April with a little project I have planned that may be of interest to you, so keep an eye out for the April Newsletter.
The Dam removal project continues to move forward. At the March meeting, we will discuss the creation of a separate meeting that will be focused on this major event and will most likely be zoom based. We anticipate there will be both CMTU members and non-members as we work to partner with other similar interest groups to move this major environmental project forward. We will discuss the dam project status, the status of our efforts to raise monies for the fishing pier project and other smaller projects we can work on in parallel with the dam removal. The April newsletter will have more information and we will send out a separate letter with more information and meeting specifics.
With regards to fly tying, I've been filling up many of the empty spots in my fly box. One pattern in particular is a flying ant. This is a very simple pattern, but is a great imitation to a drowned flying ant that looks a lot more like a spinner than a flying ant in the water. I did send the pattern in to Umpqua for their consideration. They have a program for your with a special new pattern. They have the program on their web site, but contact me if you have specific questions.
We are starting to move to our pre-Covid position. One of the events we use to have was an annual fish down on the Farmington River in CT. During the March meeting, we will be looking got understand interest in putting something like this together. We typically would rent a cabin for a week. However the Cabins are pretty much gone this year but there are tent site options. We will discuss interest level and dates at the March meeting.
We should also have information on Cook-out options at the Club. We are not yet ready to talk Banquet, but there could be a lot of fun in grilling some burgers and dogs. This will also be a conversation topic for our March meeting.
We've been having some connection issues at the Club making the Zoom meeting option not possible. We are looking for options, but for right now, please try and make the meeting at the Club starting at 6 PM on the first Monday of each month. There is free pizza and feedback is very positive.
One last comment, I want to thank Henry for stepping up to take on the position of treasurer. I also want to thank Bill for covering this position for way too long, but much needed. We will be discussing some of the key positions at CMTU. If you have interest in taking on one of these positions, do not hesitate to express your interest and we will make your CMTU experience more rewarding.
We are seeing some weather move into the Good enough to go fishing level. I cannot wait to cast my first line and hope to see you on the stream.
Peter Sterndale
President, CMTU
© 2023 Trout Unlimited | CMTU #148 |