Brews, Brownies and Brookies
An Afternoon to Support Wild Trout in Southern New England
Come join the MA-RI Council of Trout Unlimited at Medusa Brewing
Company for an afternoon of fellowship and awesome craft beer. Learn
about major projects to protect wild trout on the Deerfield River in Mass.
and Wood River in R.I.
January 20th, 2018 2:30 – 5:00 PM
Admission: $20 and includes your first pint of fine craft beer
Tickets on sale at the Trout Unlimited MA-RI Council booth
during the Marlborough Fly Fishing Show
Space is limited to the first 70 tickets sold - call or text Mark at 202-459-1139
Plan to participate in a silent auction for guided trips for salters, steelhead,
stripers, wild browns and many other items
Getting there: from the show, take route 20 east to route 85 north – 15 minutes