April 2018 Chapter Meeting Notice
March 2018 Newsletter - Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited
April Chapter Meeting –
Date: Monday, April 2nd
Time: 6:00 PM Socialize and Trout Tails
6:30 PM Pizza
7:00 Meeting
Location: Auburn Sportsman’s Club
50 Elm St, Auburn, MA 01501
Last Month – March Meeting Presentation:
We were very fortunate to have Adam Kautza (Coldwater Fisheries Project Leader) with the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife to present an overview of the Coldwater Fishery Resources (CFR) in our state.
Adam discussed 3 areas of the CFR that impact us and have big potential for the future. First, he talked about what constitutes a Coldwater Fishery Resource (CFR) according the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, how we designate waterbodies as CFRs, what protections CFRs receive, and a bit about the diversity and distribution of CFRs in Mass. Next, he went over the status and distribution of our wild trout in general while also including some more detailed information on Central Mass wild trout resources and fisheries. And finally, he finish up with a discussion on some of the projects the state recently started, some highlights and observations from the 2017 field sampling season, and the directions for the trout management program now and into the future.
There are many CFRs in our area. These could be in your backyard and are worth some time to evaluate. Many are very small streams and difficult to cast, but there are many that are very fishable. There is a map on the state site that can provide some details.
In addition, this will be very good information to use if new land purchase are presented. As the SVT (Sudbury Valley Trustee’s mentioned, a land opportunity that has CFR will provide access to more organizations that are looking to support Cold Water Fisheries.
April Meeting:
We have the High School Fly Fishing Championship coming up at the end of April (the 28th). We are looking to provide a nice sampler of flies that you know work on the Quinie. We will be tying some flies for both your fly box and to provide the kids to help during the competition. Bring your vise, tools and material or use that provided by the Chapter. We are always interested in seeing a new pattern!
Also, we will have a discussion on the upcoming Banquet. This will focus on the addition of a 50/50 Trout Fishing Tournament before the dinner begins. The money raised at this fun fish (catch and release) will be donated to the Auburn Sportsman’s Club for future stocking/kid programs. The winner of the fun fish will get half the pot and the ASC will get the other – a WIN – WIN event.
The 2018 High School Fly Fishing Championship
We are looking for your help to gear up for this event. We are looking to provide some of the basic flies that we know will work well on the Quinie. The patterns are easy and will be greatly appreciated by the contestants. We are thinking the "Greenie Weenie", Black Woolly Buggers and Pheasant Tails. We already have a few of these, but would like to give the kids a nice add to their box.
The Greenie Weenie will be the focus pattern for tying during our meeting. This easy to tie fly is a very good producer. This one does not look like much, but does appeal to the trout.
In addition to tying flies, we will have a sign up for the event to cover some of the events planned for that day.
In addition, we will have the posters available to post at sporting shops, grocery stores and where ever you think may catch the eye of our students. In addition, we will be going to our local fly shops and looking for some donation to help the kids catch more fish.
This event and other information can be found on our web site. We will continue to post information on our web site and looking for your recommendations. Here is how to find out web site:
Central Massachusetts Chapter #148 - Trout Unlimited
Another link that may come up in your web search is the following which is a "Default" site from Trout Unlimited. This contains information, but is not as beneficial as the site above.
Central Massachusetts - 148 | Trout Unlimited - Conserving coldwater ...
The 2018 CMTU Banquet:
Our Banquet is gaining momentum. We sampled some of the sausage that will be part of the menu. This was Fantanstic and there is more! We will receive more details on the menu during our meeting. In addition, we are planning on having posters to start publicizing our event. We are very interested in your contributions for this event. This is our big money maker and will provide funds to help with the High School Event and other Conservation events for Central MA.
We will have tickets at this meeting. We are looking forward to a fun time that includes a fun fish, great food and fantastic prizes. You will see more on the prizes as we get closer to the event.
We look forward to seeing you and discussing FISH.
Tight Lines,
Peter Sterndale
President, Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited
© 2018 Trout Unlimited | CMTU #148 | http://centralmasstu.org