Skills and Seamanship classes are comprehensive in scope, consisting of eight sessions covering boat operation, safety, seamanship, navigation rules and other boating essentials for power, sail and paddle craft.   BSS & SSS are accredited by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and meet boating qualification and/or licensing requirements in most states.  


Classes are taught by qualified Coast Guard Auxiliary instructors with years of practical boating experience on salt and fresh water.


Coastal Piloting is a six session class on navigation and course plotting using charts, instruments and navigating tools without relying on GPS, chart plotters or other electronics. Focus is on salt water coastal boating.


* Classes are held in the Sullivan Academic Building, rooms S 105 and 107. Worcester State University is located at 486 Chandler Street, Worcester, at the intersection of Chandler and May Streets. Access to Sullivan Building parking is from May Street.


For more information and to pre-register, contact Jim Barbato (james.barbato@comcast.net ) (978-422-6760) or go to our website at www.a0131010.uscgaux.info. 


PDF iconFlotilla 10-10 Boating Class Flyer Spring 2017.pdf